Thank you for speaking to this vulnerably Jeremy.

"Thanks to a commenter on a previous post for sharing this post that deepened my understanding of what women are up against." https://emmalindsay.medium.com/why-does-dating-men-make-me-feel-like-shit-12c25e539021

A brilliant essay from Emma Lindsey, I have never looked at how men transmute their own sexual and body shame onto women this way. Great share, I had several "ah-ha" moments!!

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Thanks for reading! And yeah, I've read that post a few times now and want to keep reading it until I reallllllly get it.

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I bookmarked it as well, I will go back to it many more times!!

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Thank you for posting this. I'd never come across it before and found it to be a perspective I hadn't heard. I will definitely be changing how I compliment my wife.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Jeremy Mohler

I love your writing.

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Thank you for this beautiful tender and honest piece. So grateful for your generosity in sharing your feelings and some really vulnerable truths!

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Very interesting read as a woman. Quite sad really. We all need more community.

It boggles the mind, as most women I know take joy in aging and losing the disgusting sexual attention we’ve received since we were 10 years old. Turn 30 and suddenly it begins to disappear, the leers to physical touch attempts. It’s also at this time that many women really begin not to care what others think about heir bodies and become more confident.

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Beautifully expressed. I know you are speaking to body image and ways we seek connection but it brought to mind one of my favorite Leonard Cohen quotes: “A friend and I had a conversation about the stages a man goes through in relation to his allure to the opposite sex. It was not a scientific evaluation. Just something that arose over a cup of coffee. It went something like this. You start off irresistible. And then you become resistible. Then you become transparent. Not exactly invisible, but as if you’re seen through old plastic. And then you do actually become invisible. And then— and this is the most amazing transformation— you become repulsive. But that’s not the end of the story. After repulsive, you become cute. And that’s where I am.”

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youre gorgeous Jeremy, always have been always will be 🩷🔥🔥

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This had to be a bummer to synthesize and write, thank you for sharing. I hate the attachment people have to these meat suits, and how they use them to feel superior to others! You are a great writer and seem to be a good human, and that should be the end of it. As my kid would say, fuck the haters.

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Thanks! It actually was kind of fun to write :) What's been a bummer is reading the hateful comments on my Instagram. But some part of me keeps wanting to make content, regardless of the many body-shaming comments flying in.

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Honest. The over dependence on the romantic partner and wall up for everyone else rings very true.

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Thank you for sharing this lovely insightful piece Jeremy. It’s an eye opener on men’s vulnerability and need for connection it is very educational I must say.

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Thanks for sharing! also sorry about the comments, i dont understand why people are so mean

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